This has been a hard year for our nation and the Jewish People. Our nation is politically divided, the country not nearly recovered from the deep economic downturn of 2008-2009 seems poised to head into another recession. Major policy issues bring more division with no seeming way forward. There is work to be done everywhere we turn.
In the Middle East the Arab Spring with its hopes for personal freedom, enlightenment and democracy also brings with it the dangers of wanton sectarian violence and a renewed anti Israel vehemence. Israel itself is at a crossroads like almost no time in its history. The Palestinian leadership talks peace but will not sit and negotiate and the current government of Israel is unable to commit itself to doggedly pursuing a policy that will lead to a Two State Solution. The fear of a nuclear Iran hovers over the entire horizon.
We are Jews and if there is one overriding message of this season it is that Jews do not despair. We are a small, yet strong and determined people who transform realistic assessments into inspirational hopes. That is our purpose in history--our sacred gift. The crises of this moment will not deter us from our path.
As you all know, for me, Israel, despite the challenges and the heartache is itself a symbol of hope-- a miracle in our time.
In these last days before the holidays begin, I invite you to watch this video link from Israel. Celebrate 5772 and feel the vitality, energy, and hope of Israel's next generation of leaders.
Shannah Tovah!